Your Practical Guide To L10™ Meetings For Small Businesses

There are plenty of ways to check in with your leadership team regularly. However, if you're noticing your check-ins or meetings aren't effective or need a bit more structure, it may be time to implement an L10™ meeting.

You may be wondering what exactly an L10™ meeting structure looks like and why it's a viable option for your organization moving forward. So let's discuss this further.


What Exactly Is An L10™ Meeting?

If your business is currently implementing EOS® you may know that an L10™ meeting is a 90-minute weekly meeting with your leadership team with the same agenda each week. At the end of the meeting, the participants are asked to rate the productivity of the discussion on a scale of 1-10.


It's essential to check in with your team professionally and personally. Allowing each meeting member to check in and name their best personal and business news keeps morale high and allows your leadership team to bond on a non-business level.


Each leadership member should have a measurable that they will have to input into the scorecard each week before the meeting. This practice allows the rest of the team to see where the business stands and where the company is doing well or needs work. In addition, having transparency of letting everyone know where each department stands opens up the floor for conversations and knowing where the business stands.


Each week, through the discussion in the meeting, to-do's will be assigned to help reach goals and become more streamlined. At the next meeting, there can be updates on the progress of these to-do's and help troubleshoot anything that may be standing in the way of the to-do's being done.

The Purpose Of An L10™ Meeting

There are many moving parts to a successful organization; the larger your organization is, the more moving parts there tend to be. Checking in with your leadership team allows everyone to be on the same page with progress and realistic expectations. Transparency and efficient communication can make all the difference when reaching goals as a team.

Why Should You Implement Level 10 Meetings?

Creating a helpful structure to follow with your weekly meetings isn't the only reason you should implement L10™ meetings within your organization.

Bonus tip! After implementing these meetings for a few months, you can measure employee engagement scores to track success!

Helps Keep Track Of Goals

There will be no guessing regarding the progression of goals, and all leadership will know precisely where the company stands when implementing an L10™ meeting.

Streamlines Flow Of Meetings

Having a solid agenda and structure ensures the meeting doesn't run over, stays on course, and is an effective use of time. L10's™ allows your leadership team to get out of the unproductive meeting cycle and will enable you to get organized about your progress and how to move forward helpfully.

They Are Great For Problem-Solving

Speaking with the entire leadership team and bouncing ideas off one another is a significant benefit of implementing L10's™. So often, getting your executive team to go over ideas, troubleshoot issues and have an open conversation is hard. L10's™ allow for this type of conversation weekly and helps resolve problems quickly and permanently.

They Allow Fast And Effective Collaboration

L10's™ open the door for weekly collaboration within your executive team, all within a strict timeframe. When you have a group of people, topics tend to get blurry, and those attending can get distracted. In an L10™, the talking points are strategically planned, allowing for collaboration on topics that matter and will help the business.

Can A Small Business Benefit From L10™ Meetings?

Let's be honest; ALL businesses can benefit from L10™ meetings. A company does not have to have a certain number of employees or managers to check in weekly and have a structured, productive discussion about the progress of goals and how to resolve issues.

L10 Meeting Best Practices For Small Businesses

Now that we've convinced you that L10™ meetings are the perfect meeting structure for you let's talk about where you can start and how to ensure your organization follows the proper guidelines.

Start And End On Time

Beginning and ending on time is a crucial step and one of the best practices in a Level10™ meeting. Too often, meetings run over or start late. An L10™ meeting begins precisely when it is scheduled to and never runs late. Sticking to a timeframe adds to the productivity of the meeting.

Use The Same Agenda Every Week

Create a meeting agenda that works best for your team and stick to it. Having the same schedule will allow those attending to be prepared and have talking points ready. In addition, it will enable your leaders to be more strategic with what they want to discuss in the meeting.

The Meeting Should Be Always On The Same Day And Time

Everyone is busy. Having the meeting at the same time and day makes it a priority. No one should double book themselves over this allotted time slot, and all appointments should be made with the L10™ in mind. Attendance is crucial for the success of an L10™, and being consistent about the time and day allows it to be a priority.

Meetings that Make Sense

Finding a rhythm with your meetings can be difficult, especially with a busy leadership team. L10's™ ensure your meetings are not only productive and efficient, but they ensure they are timely as well. If you're looking to get more organized with your meetings and need help implementing an L10™ for your executive team, GCE can help. Let's get your meetings to be an excellent resource for your business - reach out to us here.


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