[Sales & Marketing] How To Write A Compelling Sales Page That Converts

A Great Sales Page Makes It Rain

 ●      A great sales page is an absolutely essential part of any sales funnel. The sales page is what ultimately leads a person to open up their wallet, take out their credit card, and buy from you.
○      If you have a mediocre sales page, you simply won’t make many sales.
○      A great sales page, on the other hand, causes your sales to skyrocket, dramatically increases your conversion rate, and turns leads into paying customers.

 ●      Of course, all this raises a critical question: how do you create a great sales page? If you’re new to writing sales pages, it can seem kind of overwhelming. How do you communicate everything you need to in order to make the sale?

 ●      You can learn to create a great sales page. Every good sales page contains the same core elements. Sort of like a math equation. Once you learn what these core elements are and how they work, you can put them together to create a highly effective sales page.

 ●      In this ebook, you’ll discover the secrets of creating a great sales page. We’ll reveal time-tested formulas and strategies that are guaranteed to increase sales and conversions.

Step #1: Understand Your Audience

●     Before you begin writing any elements of your sales page, you must understand your audience. You need to be able to talk directly to your audience in a language that resonates with them.

  ○ Until you’ve taken the time to do a deep dive into your audience to understand what makes them tick, you can’t get to work on your sales page.

  ○ Once you know your audience, you can craft your sales page to connect on a deep, personal level with them. 

  ●     Here are some simple questions to help you define your audience:

○ What age are your primary customers? 

○ Are they primarily male, female, or a mix? 

○ What are their most significant pain points and challenges? 

○ What motivates them? 

○ What do they aspire to? 

○ What are their goals, hopes, and dreams? 

○ What do they fear? 

○ What have they tried in the past that hasn’t worked? 

○ What objections do they have to purchase from you? 

○ What makes them happy? 

○ Who are their most significant influences? 

○ What websites do they frequent? 

○ Who do they follow on social media? 

●     The result will be a buyer persona. A buyer persona is a representation of your ideal customer. Your sales page should be written so that it speaks in familiar ways to your buyer persona. It’s okay if you end up with multiple customer personas. The key is that you know exactly who you’re selling to.

To read the other ten steps download the full 11-step eBook below:


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