How To Start Your Next Executive Search: 5 Things To Consider Before You Begin


Selecting a new employee is a vital decision that demands a comprehensive strategy to maximize success and minimize the risk of the hire. There is undoubtedly a need for through attention to be paid throughout the hiring process when it comes to executive-level searches. Here are five considerations before beginning your next executive search.

  1. Know your company’s needs

Your search parameters should be established in consultation with the C-suite to ensure appropriate candidates for the role that the recruitment process goes as smoothly as possible. Your expectations will likely differ from C-suite expectation and make the recruiting process more challenging. When the right candidate is found, you’ll need to be flexible and willing to pivot if necessary to met those expectations. Define your recruitment and selection strategy; your internal search needs to be deliberate and professional. Using technology in innovative ways can assist with transparency. Be mindful of what types of candidates you’re targeting.

2. Know your company’s culture

Knowing the company’s culture can help shape your executive search process to recognize the suitable candidates and the right leadership style that aligns with your organization. Has your culture changed since the person that previously filled held position started in the position? Do you need candidates that align with a shift in your culture or desired shift in culture?

3. Know your company’s values

Once you identify what position you are hiring for and the type of experience and skills required, you can start to build your candidate list. The first step is to find candidates who have the same traits and expertise in common with the leadership role. If you work in a technical field, you want to look for candidates who share your technical knowledge. If you’re a brand, you need to look for a candidate who aligns with your brand principles and can move your brand forward. Once you have a list of potential candidates, you can use a recruiter to refine it.

4. Know you company’s goals

Before you decide whom to hire for an executive-level position, you need to know how you and the organization you are selecting will address your goals. Do you have ambitious growth initiatives that will require someone to implement and execute? Is the executive line of succession a critical issue? How will does the candidate align with your company’s culture, core values, and vision? When evaluating potential candidates for a new role, think about how they align with your company’s goals and make sure you do your due diligence in advance. While these questions may seem simplistic, they need to be asked before evaluating potential candidates for your next search.

5. Know the type of person you are looking for

In my experience, two types of candidates should be on your executive-level radar: peers that have similar experience and responsibilities. This is best described as a classic “reference check” or “names on a sheet” scenario. Employees that worked under the same executive. This type of search is based on the concept that if a current executive is looking to move, or their current company has already filled their position, this employee may be available.


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